Saturday, March 03, 2012

Weekends go by too fast!

Just hours away from Sunday, last day off for the weekend. I just took a looong hot shower. Don's son John and his fiance Diane are getting married in June of this year and I did the wedding invitations, save the dates, bridal shower invitations & RSVP cards. There is far more work that goes into this sort of "package" than one may thing. Just one of those files if you know anything about Photoshop had 60 some layers in it. I finalized it tonight but at that point between yesterday and today I worked on them for about 15 hours. I'm very happy they like them and their pleased. They turned out wonderfully and i will post them but in order to do that I have to take out their personal names and information for privacy. I will be sure to post them because I think I'd like to do more of these packages in the future. I will be doing my own, and my nieces as well. She is having a military wedding so that should be interesting requires lawfully very specific information and such. I have a baby shower invite to make soon..Charlotte's Web theme :) Looking forward to that. So many project and so little time when I work Monday-Friday at the college. Quarters are ten weeks long and we are entering Monday into the first day of week nine. What does that mean to my job? Hold on!! That is what it means. Week nine is the week before final exams when all large scale papers and projects are due. Since I work in Learning Support Services that is a big deal to our department. Last week we were extremely busy! My job is very rewarding despite this sounding like a complaint. There is no greater joy in life, than knowing you have helped another individual reach a goal they perhaps never believed they could reach. When a student comes to you at the end of a quarter, or near their graduation just to say "Thank you, I wouldn't have made it though this class or my program without your help" it is like no other feeling. For me my art is a selfish thing. I do not do it for money, though sometimes I wish I could sell it to help us out, but I do it for ME. For the need I have to create and to utilize my imagination, to self express. And I also love doing it for gifts to others. My day job however is not a selfish job so it balances out. I just wish all weekends were four days to allow for more time for art on the weekends!! :)
So since I completed the wedding package I was working on I'm very much looking forward to tomorrow. The kids ( adult ones) are coming to visit, and we will just cook good food and have a relaxing day. I will finally get around to some selfish art lol and be so happy to do so.
I'm excited about the Origami paper I got today and plan on using it tomorrow for a few different things. I can see using it for collage backgrounds and also for the clothes of my characters and such. I just love these papers so its mad me a bit anxious today to get done with some of those have to things so I can play just too tired tonight to do so. I am loving all the blogs I follow here..there are so many extremely talented artist and writers on this website and even if I talk to myself most days, or at least that is how it feels sometimes, I really enjoy all the blogs that I get to see and read here and feel like I am far more with like minded people than I feel at facebook. Don't get me wrong I love facebook, but I thrive so much on being with other artistic individuals and learn so much from you all and gain such pleasure from sharing your art experiences and life experiences. It is so refreshing! This is the most loyal I have ever been to a blog and I do not see that ending any time soon. I like it here. If you found yourself here, reading my sleep blabber, thanks. I appreciate that you came by here and I love having you! You ROCK!
Kori is sleeping. She said mom if I make some popcorn will you and Don have some. I said sure. It is all gone and the empty bowl laying next to her lol  :)
Unitl we meet again friends. Good night and bless us all!

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