Thursday, July 19, 2012

Bad Got Slightly Worse

I hate blogging when I have bad things to say or turmoil in our lives to report. We got back from our trip, the day we returned..I got food poisoning and thought I was going to seriously kick the bucket. Trip to the ER and a few shots of morphine later, plenty of hurling and all was good THEN...Don went into full A-Fib..if you are not in the know as to what that is here is a link I just don't have it in me to tell one more person what it is...but it is something everyone should educate themselves on..I had never heard of it until I met Don. 
Now if you did go read what it is...let me tell you that Don aside from being prone to A-Fib, also has a blood disorder where he is missing a gene that makes his blood as thick as syrup. Literally. He is suppose to be on blood thinners because with the A-Fib this EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. At any given moment Don and go into A-Fib and his heart rate will hit over 200 beats per minute, top half of the heart tightens like a rubber bans is around it, bottom half goes into triple time working to make up for the top and thick blood can clot, go to his heart a lung or his brain within seconds and kill him.
Don has been denied disability several times and its a joke honestly. EVERY single doctor or hospital we have been too cannot believe he has been denied and insist that the system is a mess and that Don is in desperate need of these medications...we now have one that he needs to regulate his heart rate, however...the blood thinner is very important and because he does not have health insurance, he cannot see a dr. regularly and therefore cannot get his medications because blood thinners have to be regulated and that means blood and lab work weekly or biweekly. 
I live in fear. And just read Susannah Conway's book...
Can you imagine how I felt when he went into a - fib and we were told what his heart rate was?
He is home now. Doing well but pretty tired and feeling beat up. It takes a lot out of you to go through a-fib. 
I am thankful today that he is ok. I am thankful he is home with me...
(Thank you God thank you God thank you God)
So..needless to say, our week has been rather eventful and scary. But in happy reflection here are some of the photos from our trip. We will be returning it was the best!
Our route...beautiful shoreline..
Sun coming u in Lexington MI.

Go listen to this song...this photo reminds me of this song...

Beautiful road side park...beautiful view TERRIBLE bathrooms.
 I would like to just add below the above photo that I have never, in my life, used a worse bathroom than this one. It was so horrible that I honestly came out choking and demanding Don get the first aid kit out of the car with the hand sanitizer and stood at the side of the car gagging...seriously...dont ever use the restrooms here. Just sayin...

cute little boutique :) Love the old luggage..

Coffee with the rising sun at one of our stops along the shoreline..

 We stopped at several campgrounds and parks along the way just trying to find cool places for future destination ideas..these were cool ones...

And this is our final destination...our new " our place" we LOVED it here..

our little bit of ground..just like heaven..the whole thumb is sandy...still finding sand...

Turkey dogs...not so bad actually..

Our classy wine cups for sundown and the jiffy pop I was looking forward to..
 I love my big guy..but he burns popcorn...all the time. Once he put microwave popcorn in the microwave for 10 minutes..and looking at him standing in my bedroom door I said " Can you please tell me what the HELL that bellowing white smoke is in our kitchen?" 
I can't begin to tell you how bad it smelled..the black chunk of coal in the took a week to rid the caught the jiffy pop on fire at the campground lmao...his popcorn popping privileges are now revoked.

 Our cute wet shoes...felt a bit miniature that I had to buy mine in the children's department..
I'm 5'1 Don is 6'4 lol can you tell here?
Our it

ohhh hey hand dipped ice cream! :)~
One of my favorite photos...coconut fudge ice cream..
 Site seeing we found this super cool place not far from our campsite and stopped for an ice cream and yes..I took this photo while driving. Don said " Hey look it looks like a happy face on your ice cream!" Well no shit it certainly does! It looks like its licking itself...LOL EPIC.
one of my favs...<3

 We could hear the roar of bugs laughing at this crap dont ever buy it..
Ahh our last night there...watching the sun go down with wine in plastic coconut cups..making silly things in the sand...

What a guy..getting me buckets of water so I could make a HUGE Gecco in the sand...more photos to come!


Cool shop in Caseville..

Cracks me UP!
 This image is sooo incredibly comical to head looks like 36 times its size and we look like cartoon characters!
Wanted this hat..way cute

right side is much more my flavor..what do you think?

Cowboys vs Aliens? Marlboro Man? Save a horse ride a.....forget it

(Jaws theme music in background)
colors :)
yep more colors :)

 And that one above my alllllll you see coming back down the center of the thumb over...and over...and over...and over and over and over and over again...LAME longest ride home of my life!!

Don't know..just liked it and was sick of corn fields and hay lol
Cracks me up...wonder what their getting at??
Ahhh....I wish I was there...right now.


  1. First... sending prayers & love!! ((hugs))
    Love all the photos too. :]
    The cowboy hat looks good on him and how did you ever keep those shoes so clean during camping? LOL

  2. They were new in that photo...believe me we are STILL finding thank you April for all the love you put here and everywhere else in the are a true sweethearted human being and I love you for that! Thanks or the prayers too..can never have enough of those!
