Monday, February 04, 2013

Some days are better than others....

Few things I've been doing...
Aside from a lot of time just spent in my head the past couple of weeks
clearing out garbage..sorting through heaps and piles of debit..
Therapeutic but doesn't always make for happy days...
Some days I guess are just better than others. 

Working on cutting lots of things for collage for projects in my art group on FB

I love my tools..they never lie..never talk back

The pocess on a new mixed media collage 8x10 canvas

Still not messy art table...the bigger the mess the more productive the art day was

Starbucks..cause sometimes a girl's gotta do something nice for herself
Photo shoot I did of a friends little girl..Scarlet..pretty blue eyes!
Best thing that happened today..without a doubt my niece Dessie I heart her!

The morning was good today with a visit from my nephew Christopher and his baby girl Dessie..I love when the kids come see Aunt really fills me up and I needed it. Been having some serious anxiety issues lately...bare with me folks..sorting through some rude awakenings and you know that feeling when you heart says one thing and your head says the opposite..been having a lot of those sort of moments lately. It has been beyond a rough week. Luckily I learned real early in life to be a fighter. To let nothing keep me down for very long. But the down time feels like an eternity sometimes..and too...anxiety can be paralyzing. Hate to be a Debbie downer n all..but it is true that I dont do pretend, vulnerable or JUST living very well..some days can't be full of sunshine and rainbows..its life way of making sure you dont forget the difference I guess? 
peace & love folks

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